Batı Dokumacılık - page 5

Tek tel çözgü-haşıl Tsudakoma marka makina
ve ayrıca levenden levende haşıl makinesi ile
fason çözgü haşıl ve hazır çözgü satış hizmetleri
verilmektedir. Üretim hattımızda FDY-Textüre-
Hava TextürePolyester-Nylon-Floş-Cupra flament
iplikleri çözgü haline getirilmektedir.
Kapasite: 800 ton/yıl
Capacity: 800 ton/year
Thanks to our state-of-the-art Tsudakoma brand warp
- sizing machine, we are capable of rendering diverse
services such as monofilament warp - sizing and beam-to-
beam sizing machines as well as ready warp sales service
and commission warp sizing services. We also prepare
warps for our own production. Owing to synthetic
warp sizing system, Cupro - Floss - Polyester - Nylon etc.
filament yarns are converted into warps.
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